Making friends can be tough when you’re starting at a new school, but it’s especially difficult when that school is a community college. You may be feeling anxious or intimidated, or you may be worried that you don’t have anything in common with the other students. But don’t worry – there are plenty of ways to make friends at community college.

The first step is to get involved in activities and clubs. There are usually a lot of different clubs and activities to choose from, so you’re sure to find something that interests you. Joining a club is a great way to meet people who share your interests, and it’s a great way to make new friends.

Another way to meet people is to attend events on campus. There are usually a lot of different events going on, from concerts to lectures to sporting events. Attending these events is a great way to meet new people, and you can chat with people before and after the event.

You can also meet people by joining social media groups. There are usually groups for different majors, hobbies, and interests. Joining one of these groups is a great way to meet people who share your interests, and it’s a great way to make new friends.

Finally, don’t be afraid to talk to people. Introduce yourself to people in your classes and on campus. Ask them about their interests and what they’re studying. Chatting with people is a great way to make friends, and you may be surprised by how friendly people are at community college.

Is it normal to have no friends during college?

It is perfectly normal to have no friends during college. In fact, many people go through college without having any close friends.

This doesn’t mean that you are a bad person or that you are doing something wrong. It just means that you are in a different stage of your life. You are focusing on your education and on your career. You are making new friends and connections, but they are not as close as the friends you had in high school.

Don’t worry if you don’t have any close friends during college. It doesn’t mean that you are a social outcast. It just means that you are in a different phase of your life.

How do shy people make friends in college?

Making friends in college can be a daunting task, especially for shy people. However, there are a few things shy people can do to make friends in college.

The first step is to get involved in activities that interest you. Joining a club or playing a sport can help you meet people with similar interests. You can also try to find friends by talking to people in your classes.

Another way to make friends in college is to be social. Join your school’s Facebook group or go to parties. Shy people often worry about what to say, but most people are just happy to have someone to talk to.

Finally, don’t be afraid to reach out to people. If you see someone you want to be friends with, go up and introduce yourself. Most people are happy to make new friends.

Making friends in college can be challenging, but it’s definitely possible. These tips should help shy people make friends in college and feel more comfortable in their new environment.

How do you actually make friends in college?

Making friends in college can seem daunting, but it can be easy if you know how. Here are a few tips:

1. Get involved in extracurricular activities. This is a great way to meet people with common interests.

2. Join a club or fraternity or sorority.

3. Attend campus events.

4. Talk to people in your classes.

5. Get a job on campus.

6. Hang out in popular areas on campus.

7. Reach out to people online.

8. Attend social events on campus.

9. Be friendly and outgoing.

10. Don’t be afraid to ask people for help.

Is community college really easier than university?

There are a lot of factors to consider when deciding whether to attend community college or university. Both have their pros and cons, and the choice ultimately depends on the individual’s needs and preferences.

Some people believe that community college is easier than university. This may be true for some students, but it really depends on the individual’s level of preparation and the program of study. Community college is a great option for students who want to save money and get their degree more quickly.

University is a great choice for students who want to specialize in a particular field of study or who want to receive a more comprehensive education. University typically offers more courses and has a wider range of majors than community college.

Ultimately, the decision between community college and university comes down to the individual’s needs and preferences. Both options have their pros and cons, so the best choice depends on what the student is looking for in a degree program.

Is it easier to make friends in university?

Making friends in university can be a daunting but ultimately rewarding experience. For some, making friends comes easy, while for others it can be more challenging. There are a number of things to consider when it comes to making friends in university.

Some people may find that it is easier to make friends in university than in high school. This is because university is a time when people are more likely to be open to meeting new people. University offers a variety of opportunities for socializing, such as clubs, intramural sports, and events on campus. There are also a variety of classes to choose from, providing ample opportunity to meet people with similar interests.

It is important to be proactive when it comes to making friends in university. Don’t be afraid to introduce yourself to people, or to ask people to join you for lunch or coffee. If you see someone who looks like they might be friendly, go up and say hello. It is also important to be social online. Join relevant Facebook groups, or attend online chats for your program or faculty.

There are a few things to keep in mind when making friends in university. First, be genuine. Don’t try to be someone you’re not in order to fit in. Second, be patient. It may take time for some people to open up, but be persistent and you will eventually form some great friendships. Finally, be open to new experiences. Trying new things is a great way to meet new people and make friends.

Making friends in university can be a great experience. By being proactive and open to new experiences, you are sure to meet some amazing people and form some lifelong friendships.

Is it harder to make friends in university?

Making friends in university can be difficult. For some people, it may be harder to make friends in university than it was in high school. There are a few reasons why this may be the case.

One reason why making friends in university can be difficult is because of the increased level of competition. In high school, people are typically placed in classes with others who are around the same age. This makes it easier to make friends, as people are typically more similar to one another. In university, however, people are typically placed in classes with others who are older or younger than they are. This can make it more difficult to find common ground with others and to form friendships.

Another reason why making friends in university can be difficult is because people are often busier than they were in high school. In high school, people typically have more free time to socialize. In university, people are often juggling classes, homework, and extracurricular activities. This can leave less time for socializing, making it harder to make friends.

Despite these challenges, it is still possible to make friends in university. One way to do this is to get involved in extracurricular activities. This allows you to meet people who share your interests and who you can friendship with. You can also attend social events on campus or join a student club. By putting yourself out there, you can meet new people and make friends in university.

Is it easier to make friends at a big or small college?

Making friends is one of the main reasons people attend college. It is a time when people are exposed to new things and meet new people. So, the big question is, is it easier to make friends at a big or small college?

There are pros and cons to both big and small colleges when it comes to making friends. At a small college, it is easier to get to know people because there are fewer students. This can be a good and bad thing. It can be good because people are more likely to remember your name and you are more likely to form close friendships. It can be bad because people can also be cliquey and it can be hard to find someone to hang out with if you don’t have any classes together.

At a big college, there are more people to meet, but it can be harder to get to know them. There are also more opportunities to get involved on campus, so you can meet people through your activities. The plus side to a big college is that there is always someone to hang out with, no matter what your interests are.

So, the answer to the question is that it depends on the person. Some people will find it easier to make friends at a small college, while others will find it easier at a big college. It’s all about finding the right environment for you and getting involved in activities that you enjoy.

Is it normal to not have any friends in college?

When you’re starting college, it can be difficult to make friends. You’re meeting new people, trying to figure out your classes and adjusting to a new environment.

For some people, it’s easy to make friends and they quickly build a social circle. For others, it’s more difficult and they don’t have any friends by the end of their first semester.

So is it normal to not have any friends in college?

The answer is yes and no. It’s normal to not have any friends in college if you’re new to the campus and haven’t had the opportunity to meet people yet. It’s not normal if you’ve been in college for a while and you still don’t have any friends.

There are a few things you can do to make friends in college:

1. Get involved in campus activities.

There are usually a lot of activities going on campus and there’s something for everyone. Get involved in activities that interest you and you’ll have a common interest to talk about with other people.

2. Join a club or organization.

There are usually a lot of clubs and organizations on campus and they’re a great way to meet people with similar interests.

3. Talk to people in your classes.

Many people are hesitant to talk to people in their classes, but it’s a great way to make friends. You already have something in common and you’ll be able to get to know each other better.

4. go to campus events.

There are usually a lot of campus events happening and they’re a great way to meet people. Attending these events will give you the opportunity to talk to people and make friends.

5. Get a job on campus.

Working on campus is a great way to meet people. You’ll be working with people who are also students and you’ll have a common interest.

6. Use social media.

Social media is a great way to meet people. You can join groups or pages for activities that interest you and you’ll be able to meet people who share your interests.

Making friends in college can be difficult, but it’s not impossible. If you’re willing to put in the effort, you’ll be able to make friends.

What to do when you have no friends at college?

Starting college can be a daunting experience. Making new friends in a new environment can be especially challenging. If you find yourself struggling to make friends at college, don’t worry – you’re not alone. Here are a few things you can do to make friends in college:

1. Join a club or activity group.

Joining a club or activity group is a great way to meet people with shared interests. You can find a list of clubs and activities on your college’s website or student portal.

2. Attend campus events.

Attending campus events is a great way to meet new people. Most campuses host a variety of events, from concerts to lectures to sporting events.

3. Get involved in your residence hall.

Getting involved in your residence hall is a great way to make friends. Most residence halls host social events and activities.

4. Talk to people in your classes.

Talking to people in your classes is a great way to make friends. Most college students are happy to chat and make new friends.

5. Reach out to your friends from high school.

Reaching out to your friends from high school is a great way to make friends in college. Chances are, you already have a lot in common with your high school friends.

6. Join an online forum or social media group.

joining an online forum or social media group is a great way to meet people with shared interests. You can find a list of online forums and social media groups on your college’s website or student portal.

7. Get a job on campus.

Getting a job on campus is a great way to meet people in college. Most colleges have a variety of jobs available, from tutoring to working in the campus library.

8. Ask your classmates to lunch.

Asking your classmates to lunch is a great way to make friends in college. Most college students are happy to chat and make new friends.

9. Attend campus social events.

Attending campus social events is a great way to meet new people. Most campuses host a variety of social events, from parties to dances to barbecues.

10. Seek out support from your college’s student services department.

If you’re struggling to make friends in college, seek out support from your college’s student services department. Most colleges offer a variety of support services, from counseling to tutoring.

How many college students have no friends?

According to a study by the American College Health Association, nearly 60 percent of college students say they have no close friends.

While the definition of what constitutes a “close friend” may vary from person to person, the lack of any meaningful social connection can have a profound impact on college students’ mental health.

According to the study, students who have no close friends are more likely to experience symptoms of depression and anxiety, and are less likely to feel engaged in their academic work.

They are also more likely to feel lonely and isolated, and are less likely to participate in campus activities.

So what’s behind this trend of students having fewer close friends?

There are a number of possible reasons.

For one, with the rise of social media, many people are spending more time online, and less time interacting face-to-face with friends.

And as students get older, they may move away from their childhood friends and develop new friendships in college.

But that doesn’t mean that these new friendships are always meaningful or lasting.

In fact, many students report that their friendships in college are often shallow and transient.

There are a number of things that students can do to build and maintain meaningful social connections.

One is to be proactive in seeking out social activities and opportunities.

College campuses are typically full of clubs and organizations, and there are usually plenty of social events happening on any given night.

Students can also reach out to classmates and other people they meet on campus, and make an effort to get to know them better.

And finally, it’s important to be authentic and genuine in one’s interactions with others, and to be respectful of people’s time and energy.

Building and maintaining meaningful social connections can be challenging, but it’s worth it in the long run.

Having close friends can help students feel more connected and engaged in their lives, and can play a role in their overall mental health and well-being.

Is it normal to be alone all the time in college?



Some students feel like they are the only ones who are not constantly surrounded by friends in college. It can be normal to feel alone all the time in college, even if you are surrounded by people.

There are a few things to consider when it comes to feeling alone in college. One is that everyone experiences loneliness in different ways. For some people, being alone in a big crowd is loneliness. For others, loneliness might mean not having anyone to talk to about what is going on in their life.

Some people feel like they are the only ones who are not constantly surrounded by friends in college.

Loneliness can also be caused by a number of things. You might be feeling lonely if you are missing your family and friends back home, if you are struggling in your classes, or if you are not involved in any activities on campus.

There are a few things you can do to help combat loneliness. First, try to get involved in activities on campus. There are usually a lot of clubs and groups to join, and it can be a great way to make new friends. You can also try to reach out to people you know. Talk to your classmates, join a study group, or start a conversation with someone in the dining hall.

Finally, don’t be afraid to talk to someone about how you are feeling. College can be a difficult time, and it is okay to need help. There are a lot of resources available on campus, like counseling services, that can help you deal with loneliness and other difficult emotions.

How do shy people meet in college?

For shy people, the college experience can be daunting. It can be hard to meet new people, and even harder to build relationships. But there are ways to meet people in college, even if you are shy.

One way to meet people is to get involved in extracurricular activities. Joining a club or team is a great way to make friends who share your interests. You can also join a study group or find friends to go to class with.

Another way to meet people is to take advantage of campus resources. The counseling center, career center, and student union are all great places to meet people. The counseling center can help you meet people who share your interests, and the career center can help you meet people in your field. The student union is a great place to meet people from all over campus.

You can also meet people by going to campus events. There are always events happening on campus, and most schools have an event calendar online. Attending these events is a great way to meet people from all over campus.

Finally, you can meet people online. There are a number of websites and apps that can help you meet people in your area. These websites and apps are a great way to meet people who share your interests.

No matter how you choose to meet people, the most important thing is to be yourself. Don’t try to be someone you’re not. Be yourself and you will find friends who will love you for who you are.

How do I overcome shyness in college?

Many students find themselves feeling shy in college. It can be a difficult transition from high school to a new, more adult environment. There are many things you can do to help overcome shyness in college and become more comfortable in your new surroundings.

One of the best things you can do is to get involved in extracurricular activities. This can help you meet new people and make friends. Joining a club or sports team is a great way to do this. You can also try to get involved in campus activities. This can help you make friends with other students and get to know your campus better.

Another way to overcome shyness in college is to attend office hours. This is a great way to get to know your professors and ask them for help. It can also be a great way to make friends with other students in your class.

You can also try to make friends with upperclassmen. They can be a great source of information and advice about college life.

Finally, be yourself. Don’t try to be someone you’re not. If you act like yourself, people will be more likely to like you and you will feel more comfortable in college.

Is it normal to struggle to make friends in college?

Making friends in college can be difficult. For some people, it may be easy to make friends and for others, it may be more difficult. There are a few things to keep in mind when it comes to making friends in college.

One thing to keep in mind is that everyone is different. Some people may be more outgoing and be able to make friends easily, while others may be more introverted and find it more difficult to make friends. It is important to be yourself and to not try to be someone that you are not.

Another thing to keep in mind is that it is important to be social. College is a time to meet new people and to make new friends. It is important to attend social events and to get involved in campus activities.

If you are struggling to make friends in college, there are a few things that you can do. One thing is to reach out to your classmates. Talk to them in class and get to know them. Another thing is to join a club or a student organization. This is a great way to meet people who have similar interests. You can also attend social events on campus. This is a great way to meet people and to make new friends.

How do you make friends when you are extremely shy?

Making friends can be difficult for anyone, but it can be especially tough if you are shy. Shyness can make you feel like you are not good enough or that you don’t deserve friends. You may also feel like you can’t do anything to make friends.

But, don’t worry, there are things you can do to make friends even if you are shy. The most important thing is to be yourself. Don’t try to be someone you’re not, because people can see through that and you will end up feeling more alone.

The best way to make friends is to find people who share your interests. You can do this by looking for clubs or groups related to your interests, or by looking online. There are also websites and apps that connect people with similar interests.

You can also try to meet people through your friends. When you are around your friends, talk to the people they are talking to. Be friendly and introduce yourself. Chances are, the people your friends are talking to will be friendly too.

Another way to make friends is to go out and do things. Join a hiking club, go to the movies, or go out for coffee. When you are out and about, it is easier to meet people.

If you see someone that you want to talk to, but you don’t know what to say, start with a simple question like “What’s your favorite movie?” or “What kind of music do you like?”. As you get to know the person, you can ask them more personal questions.

The most important thing is to be yourself. Don’t try to be someone you’re not, because people can see through that and you will end up feeling more alone. Be genuine and friendly, and eventually you will find friends that you can rely on.

Is it common to not have friends in college?

It is not common to not have friends in college. In fact, most people make friends very easily in college. There are a number of reasons why someone might not have friends in college. Maybe the person is shy and has trouble meeting new people. Maybe the person is new to the area and doesn’t know anyone. Or maybe the person just doesn’t click with anyone on campus.

No matter why someone doesn’t have friends in college, it can be tough. It can be hard to make friends when you don’t know anyone, and it can be lonely not having anyone to talk to. If this is the case, it is important to reach out to others. Join clubs or groups, or attend campus events. Talk to people in your classes, and get involved in campus life. You’ll be surprised how quickly you’ll make friends. And before you know it, you’ll be right in the middle of the college social scene.

How do random people make friends in college?

Making friends in college can be a daunting task. For many, it can be their first time away from home, leaving them to navigate a new environment and make new friends. It can be especially hard for those who don’t come from a large high school or who don’t naturally have a lot of friends. But there are a few things that can make the process a little easier.

One of the best ways to make friends in college is to get involved in extracurricular activities. This can be anything from joining a club or team to attending events on campus. Not only will you meet people who share your interests, but you’ll also have something to talk about.

Another great way to meet people is to get to know your classmates. This can be done by sitting with different people in class, joining study groups, or going to parties together.

It’s also important to be social and outgoing. Talk to people in your dorm, on your floor, in your classes, and at campus events. It may feel awkward at first, but soon enough you’ll start to form friendships.

And finally, don’t be afraid to reach out to people. If you see someone you want to be friends with, but don’t know how to approach them, send them a message or invite them to do something. Chances are, they’ll be happy to have a new friend.